Friday, July 29, 2011

Fast Forward to Fall: My Current Faves

I am rapidly (and I MEAN IT) beginning to wish this pregnancy will end quickly... We are a mere 5 weeks from when Franklin made his arrival, and while I hope that I avoid the complications that led to his early debut (so far, so good - fingers crossed!) I am also remembering how terrible I am at being this pregnant. New this week: Terrible pain in my lower back and belly button. As in, whenever something brushes across my belly button it's a pain so sharp I feel like I am going to vomit. Not kidding. Not so easy to avoid when you are carrying a near 30 lb toddler (and just bending over to pick things up on the floor). I have also caught my poor child's cold he's been battling for nearly 3 weeks now, not as bad as him (I am not coughing every breath - yet) but apparently I am snoring like a trucker and my throat feels pretty bad.

In any event, I will spare you the ramblings of a pregnant woman in her third trimester (as long as those of you who insist on giving me pity looks and apologizing every time you see me - seriously, STOP IT. I HAVE 7 MORE WEEKS TO GO), and tell you how I'm currently surviving: By enjoying the fall fashion preview and thinking about how skinny I will be (in about 4 months - wishful thinking maybe?). My current faves:

**Images from JCrew, Ann Talor, and Zara.

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