Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Best Laid Plans....

When you make a plan God laughs, right? At today's appointment, my first BP read was 132/90. After talking with Dr. Straugh, she said we'd take it a few more times and see where we were at. Second try: 140/100. So, we are delivering tomorrow at 4:00 PM, and have to be at the hospital at 1:45. Please keep us in your prayers, since I am still hopeful that I can avoid the mag sulfate drip and extended stay that plagued my delivery with Franklin due to blood pressure issues. On the one hand, I feel very ready to welcome Crosby. On the other hand, it sure would've been nice to finish out this week and weekend without the drama associated with a quick delivery. But alas, is not to be. We'll post updates soon!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Week 38

After today's appointment, I only have ONE doctor's appointment left before this baby arrives. Ever. Hallelujah. We've entered new ground in this pregnancy, as in "I have never been this pregnant before." I've reached full term stage, meaning Crosby is straight up freeloading from here on out. Oh, and measuring 43 weeks. You read that right - 43 weeks. My doc told me to take pictures of my belly today, because it's one of the largest bellies she's seen in awhile. This from a woman who sees patients who are pregnant with multiples. Essentially, it's like I am carrying twins. Not so much fun.

We discussed another ultrasound this morning, but it would only be to measure fluid. And unless I don't have ENOUGH fluid, there's nothing that she would do. So it was pointless, and I left after a very brief visit. Thankfully. My BP remains at a normal level (126/80) - up a tad but still fine. Friday is my last true workday in the office for this pregnancy, and then I'll be monitoring a case and working from home a few days next week.. .and then, lots of couch time and daytime TV. To say I'm looking forward to the extra rest would be an understatement.

11 days and counting...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Silly Boy

A few thoughts on my first baby boy, who is clearly no longer a baby, and what he's been up to lately. We've moved to a new classroom at school, much to his dismay - he already misses his teachers very much, and we miss them too. But I'm sure things will get better, and he definitely loves the larger playground right outside his new room that he plays on every day. In connection with that playground, he has access to tricycles that they can ride. To ride the tricycles, he's required to have a helmet. I purchased a toddler helmet with Elmo on it a few weeks ago, but Frank asked me to send it back and promised to take Franklin to a bike shop in town to get a better helmet. They made the trip this weekend, and we discovered that our child, who has been plagued by a head circumference in the 90th percentile for the majority of his life, is still plagued by an extra-large head. My tiny toddler helmet would never have fit on this child's huge noggin', as he is currently sporting a helmet designed to fit children ages 7+. You read that right - 7+. As in, my 23 month old and a 7 year old have the same size head. He must need all that extra room for his super-smart brain, don't you think? Here's a peek:

And quite the silly little man he is. It took Frank forever to get these pictures, because every time Franklin realized the camera was about to take his picture he would spin around backward just in time for the flash to go off -- and then break out into a fit of giggles. Frank took him to the park after they made the trip for the helmet:

Favorite words right now include "No," "No, Daddy," "Mine," "Back," "Move." Clearly, we are in a stage. But a fun one... the in-between stage, where he's such a little boy, and such a baby at the same time. We're trying to squeeze in every second of our precious time as family of three before Crosby arrives in under 2 weeks (or a mere 12 days, thankfully). I should have a full report on my second baby boy following my doctor's appointment tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Week 37 and Fall...

As of this weekend, I'm officially more pregnant than I ever have been. Kinda funny, eh? I'm thrilled that this pregnancy has been a tad bit easier than my first, and thrilled at the prospect that I won't have BP issues this time. Today, my BP was 120/70, perfect and lower than the past few weeks. That's huge. I'm thankful. And speaking of huge, I am also huge. My belly measures a whopping 42 weeks at this point, meaning Crosby is a big boy and I apparently have a good amount of fluid around him still. It's looking more and more like we'll make it to our scheduled date, 9/26 at Noon. I have a week and a half left in the office after today, and then I'll work from home the last few days. And then I plan to rest, get a massage, mani/pedi, etc. and just relax before I turn our lovely little family of three into a family of four. Here's a peek at a few 4D pics of Crosby from last Friday:

Cute baby, huh? He's going to be a chubby little one. Let's hope the next few weeks go by quickly!

In other news, God decided that I'd had enough heat for one pregnancy and ushered a cold front in behind the tropical storm that ran through here last weekend. It's been in the 60s - unheard of for early September -- for the past few days, and looks as though the highs will only reach the mid 70s for the remainder of this week. Pure bliss to a near-term pregnant lady, I must admit. And in other news, today was a big day -- after my doc appointment this morning, I headed to the starbucks to treat myself. Lo and behold, Fall has arrived in the form of a pumpkin spice latte. One half-caf version later and I'm a pretty happy pregnant lady.

18 days and counting....

Friday, September 2, 2011

Week 36

Today was not supposed to be a doctor visit for me, but after a few concerns that I might be leaking amniotic fluid my doc asked that I come in and get checked. Turns out everything is just fine (I am thankful, I could use another week to prepare) and we had an ultrasound for the first time since our anatomy scan at 20 weeks. Despite having between 20 and 35 contractions (some very painful) a day, I am not progressing. I am, however, measuring 39 weeks. Which makes for a very tired mommy. Crosby is measuring At 6 lbs 14 oz, and 37 weeks. I think he looks just like Franklin. We'll know in a few short weeks. I am slowing down tremendously. Between rough contractions most of the night last night and a total inability to get comfortable, I didn't sleep much. Hoping to make up for it over the long weekend.

In other news, congrats to our friends Jim and Hilary on the birth of their baby boy today! Frank and I hope Crosby makes his appearance very soon. Happy Friday!