Friday, July 31, 2009

Top Ten Things You Don't Say to Pregnant Women

Here's my Top Ten List of things that you should never say to a pregnant woman (especially your almost 7 months pregnant wife):
  1. Did you finish that bag of cookies yet?
  2. You can't have Indian food until you eat that frozen Indian dinner that's been in the freezer for the past few months.
  3. Well honey, it was time for your face to look pregnant...
  4. Your nose isn't that big...
  5. I thought you bought that french onion dip for me?
  6. Can you pick up some ice, I need a cocktail.
  7. I don't need to read What to Expect, BabyWise, Moms on Call, Happiest Baby on the Block, etc. - that's why I have you.
  8. I'll get around to it, eventually.
  9. Stop buying baby clothes.
  10. "Wow, (XYZ wife of friend who had a baby about 9 months ago) sure looks good," (and following death glare from wife), "Well, I mean, I just have hope now."

Hugs to you honey, I'm aware one of the reasons we work so well together is because I have thick skin (and vice versa). Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. lol. I've definitely heard a few of those comments myself--particulary the baby book reading...and "so and so looks good after her baby!" I'll get him back when I cuss his tail out in the delivery room (evil laugh). ;)
