Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Totino's, How I Love Thee....

Totino's, how I love thee, let me count the ways:

  1. You satisfied my hunger at 3 AM during law school after long nights post-finals where too many cocktails had been consumed...
  2. You rewarded my hard work at everything from dieting to making an A on an exam...
  3. You only take 13 minutes to bake, less time than it would take me to call, order, and receive a pizza delivery...
  4. Your crunchy, cheesy, deliciousness is always just the right amount of food, never too much (or too little)...
  5. You satisfy the hungry pregnant lady's quest for carbs...
  6. You keep the pregnant lady full long enough so that she doesn't wake up at 4 AM starving...
  7. You cost under $2.00...
  8. You fit easily in my freezer...
  9. I can always count on you to taste the same every time, unlike Chinese food from Dragon which is apparently made via a different recipe every time I order, even though I always order the same thing...
  10. You come in many yummy flavors that all hit the spot.

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