Tuesday, April 20, 2010


One year ago today, Frank and I were nervously waiting to see my doctor. At that point I'd taken about 50 million pregnancy tests, but until I actually saw our little bean and heard his heartbeat I couldn't relax. Around 11 AM (we waited FOREVER) we were taken into the ultrasound room, and saw our precious baby boy, all 7 weeks an 3 days of him:

I don't think we could even comprehend how much we love this child... he is cuter than I could have ever imagined and just gets sweeter by the day. Little one was under the weather yesterday ( ugh - colds! daycare! yeesh!) and I stayed home with him -- All 17.7 pounds of him. My biceps may never be the same. Despite the hacking cough and runny nose, he was all smiles and giggles for his mommy. They even took blood at the doctor's office and he just grinned at the nurse. He's one tough little man. We could not love him more (but I am sure we will)!

So, apparently my outlook calendar was wrong and I should have read prior posts. We actually saw F for the first time on 3/31/09. Oops. Hooray for our first OB visit with Dr. Straughn a year ago today! And yes, I did get a good look at baby boy that day. We just didn't get any pictures. But he was getting big in there! (And making mommy gain weight!) Hooray for mommy reaching a milestone this weekend: a "3" in the number on the scale for the first time in nearly a year! See, lots to celebrate.


  1. Yay! Lots to celebrate! When I first saw the ultrasound I thought we were celebrating #2!! I heart jumped before I read the post title. He's just perfect. Look at those squeezable little legs. Love it.

  2. Franklin is getting so big!! He's absolutely precious Catherine! I want to hold and love on that sweet baby! :) I think he looks a lot like you. XOXO
